Waxing Present: At Home Retreat

Yin yoga, Creative Writing, & Yoga Nidra for releasing tension, creative expression & self reflection.

Saturday December 19, 2020 - 2:00 PM to 4:30 PM ET


Cozy up with a warm beverage, and relax into a winter retreat at home.

A blend of yoga and creative writing, this special offering will facilitate releasing physical and mental tension, creative expression, and self reflection in a small group setting. You can expect to release tension, reflect on 2020 in all of its contrasts, set intentions for your year to come, and leave feeling relaxed and inspired. Facilitated by yoga teacher Lara Farcasan and reflective writing facilitator Reenita Verma, this workshop is perfect for folks who miss the camaraderie of studios, creatively minded individuals, and folks looking for a travel free holiday retreat. The ideal experience for the creative at heart.

Registration is available on a sliding scale basis.

Min Participants: 6.

Spots available for Financial Barrier free access with BIPOC, LGBTQIA+ folks prioritized. Drop me a line and ask for a retreat on your tab and I’ll set you up.

If you’re unable to attend and would like to sponsor a spot for a community member, please drop me a line.

the experience

1 - Polish. (Yin yoga - 75 mins)

Arrive to a relaxing sequence of poses designed to clear physical tension, promote creativity, and calm. Experience deep tissue stretches, breathing, and reflection exercises to stimulate your parasympathetic nervous system, benefit your joints, stoke inspiration and self soothe while you take care of yourself in a virtual community setting.  

2 - Record. (Reflective writing by Reenita - 45 mins)

Receive guidance and momentum to grieve (or not) and reflect on the moments this year has offered. Using what transpires, we will shift to making a wish list, reflecting on our strengths, and building a space for self love - the outcome is directed by you. Our time together we will create a piece which you can come back to when the time is right. We will build community by co-creating a space where we are all accountable. You only need a writing tool of your choice.

3 - Protect. (Yoga Nidra - 25 mins)

Finally, settle into your couch, bed or most comfortable place to explore the depths of Yoga Nidra in comfort and ease.  In this philosophically informed practice, you will explore your 5 subtle bodies or Koshas, and seal an intention for your year to come from what you’ve created.   This adaptogenic practice will leave you feeling balanced and rejuvenated.
