Anti-Oppression Commitment

I recognize the privilege I hold as a white cis-gendered female yoga teacher and I act in the following ways to dismantle white supremacy and systems of oppression both in and outside of my teaching:

  • Making Contributions to BIPOC lead organizers (Black Lives Matter, Landback 1492, BIPOC Support like relief fund drives and community funding, independent educators and therapists)

  • Uplifting and supporting BIPOC, fat, LGBTQ2s+ , differently abled teachers (including those aspiring to be teachers), artists, musicians, therapists, educators etc… through my social media platforms and looking for opportunities to learn from and collaborate with BIPOC practictionners.

  • Taking actions with leadership from BIPOC organizers by urging government officials to take steps to dismantle institutionalized racism & oppression.

  • Keeping Studio Partners Accountable by calling out racist and oppressive practices and withdrawing support if there’s no action behind the PR.

  • Keeping people (in general) accountable including family members by calling out oppressive ideologies and behaviours when I clock them.

  • Listening to and being open to feedback from BIPOC students (which I am always grateful for - I realize the work involved in this).

  • Frequently educate myself and reflect on how I can dismantle white supremacy within myself and my community as well as the impact of my actions on marginalized communities. ( Folks who I learn from include Rachel Ricketts, Dianne Bondy Yoga, Susanna Barkataki )

  • Ensure that yoga is financially accessible to folks who seek it.