Financial resources shouldn’t be the determining factor as to who gets access to spirituality, yoga, and wellness.

You can use the descriptions below as a guidepost in selecting the most appropriate price point for you when booking drop in, private or semi-private classes. I trust that you’ll select the price point that best suits your circumstances.

Sliding Scale 1

  • You’re anxious about meeting basic needs (and sometimes you can’t)

  • You’re under or unemployed

  • Taking vacation or time off is a financial burden

  • You have insecure housing or rent a lower end property

  • You live frugally out of necessity

If sliding scale 1 feels like a finanicial burden - reach out.

Sliding Scale 2

  • You meet your basic needs but are sometimes anxious about doing so

  • You’re employed

  • You take vacations or time off without financial burdens

  • You’re able to save money

  • You have secure housing

Sliding scale 3

  • You’re able to meet your basic needs without worry

  • You’re employed or you don’t need to work

  • You vacation regularly without financial worry

  • You’re easily able to save money/invest

  • You own a home or rent a high end property

If you're able, consider sponsoring a spot for a community member requiring financial assistance. Reach out for details.

Financial barrier free

Financial Barrier Free spots are available for all classes, programs and workshops with BIPOC, LGBTQIA2s+ folks prioritized.

For Drop In Classes sign up and pay what you're able (payment not required).

For Private and Semi-Private lessons, workshops & special programs send me an email and I’ll set you up.