Yoga Nidra
A 5 Week Pre-Registered Series to promote calm, relaxation, sleep and rest.
The Experience
Lying in your bed, on your couch, or your fave comfy spot in your home be guided through the 5 koshas or sheaths. Draw all of your senses inward (except for your hearing) to be guided towards prajna (deep sleep) while staying conscious.
These sessions take place over 5 weeks
Although the aim of Yoga Nidra, like meditation, is samadhi or meditative absorption, practitioners find the after effects of Nidra sessions are relaxation, a feeling of being well rested, and an ability to better manage stress and anxiety.
A style that is not physically demanding, Yoga Nidra is suitable for anyone seeking a mindfulness practice that is short on time, energy, injured, expecting or intimidated by meditation. All persons welcome.
Yoga Nidra is a state of relaxation where inner awareness is progressively induced by following a set of verbal instructions.