Yoga can be for anyone but not all practices are for everyone.
Yoga practices are varied so and in the online world it’s up to you to decide what classes and movements are best for where you’re at.
It’s possible to get hurt practicing yoga just as with any other physical activity. Similarly, there are contraindications for certain practices, poses, and techniques especially if you suffer from specific injuries, conditions or diseases - it’s always best to consult with a medical doctor before starting any new form of exercise, movement or activities.
Pregnant individuals should avoid any abdominal compression (belly down, twists and deep backbends) and always should follow the advice of their care team before starting a yoga practice - even if it’s pre-natal.
Yoga should NEVER be painful. If you’re in pain get out of the pose and stop.
You’re responsible for using caution, seeking medical clearance and for deciphering what poses and practices are sensible and safe for you.
The techniques and suggestions presented in this website and social media channels are not intended to substitute for proper medical advice.
Consult your physician before beginning any new exercise program.
Lara Farks Yoga assumes no responsibility for injuries suffered while practicing these techniques.